
Ask a Grown Man: Adam Horovitz

 “Go ahead and kiss! Go ahead and do it!” Ad-Rock’s got answers.

In the ’80s and ’90s, the Beastie Boys made music that makes you a more fun person when you listen to it. It was the perfect combo platter of smart, hilarious, and bratty as heck—they are the magnificent goons behind “(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party),” for cripes’ sake. We at Rookie are eternally obsessed with their back catalog; if you’re unacquainted, start at the beginning with their 1986 debut, Licensed to Ill, and charge right on through their whole archive. Or? Say hey to the band’s Adam Horovitz, aka Ad-Rock, RIGHT THE HECK HERE ON WWW DOT ROOKIE’S MAG DOT BEAST, where Ad-Rock has graciously agreed to share his knowledge as “part of the Ask a Grown Person program,” as he calls it. Tune right in, party animals, and if you’d like MORE of His Excellency Ad-Rock, catch him in the new Noah Baumbach movie While We’re Young, which is out now in theaters and features our dude playing a way stodgier Grown Person. (After watching this video, you’ll understand just how good of an actor this makes him.)

If you’ve got pressing questions that you’d like a Grown’s help with, email your biggest LYFEPROBZ to trongrau1368@gmail.com with “Ask a Grown” in the subject line, and please include your first NAME (or your nickname or initials), CITY, and AGE.

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